Sunday, August 12, 2012

Newborn Pictures

Here are some more cute Newborn Pictures (really 1 Month pictures) of Mason and Family.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

Continuing to amaze

To our few faithful checkers to this poorly updated blog.....we say hello.  Life continues to be busy since our last blog post and thankfully for Mason, Michelle, and I it is also getting much better.  The tears are almost all gone and now routinely replaced by thousands of smiles, laughs, and head shakes of amazement.  Our little boy is definitely something special.  Since our last post he has continued to steadily grow, eat better, and gain weight just like he should.  He had his 2 month checkup recently and was measured at 23.5 inches and just a hair under 10 pounds.  Still on the faintest whisp of oxygen at night, but has otherwise mostly gotten rid of it.  He now commonly rides in his car seat and takes his daytime naps without.  I can't wait until we can totally ditch the tetherings of his oxygen tubes and monitors.

Mason is developing more personality every day and also getting more handsome....must take after his mom.  What we are most excited about though is his continual development not just on par with standard development, but way ahead!  Mason rolled over for his first time from his back to his stomach the day after he turned 6 weeks.  The people working with us from Early Intervention are absolutely shocked.  He also recently has rolled twice from his back to his stomach.  We have video evidence that both have  Most standard developing babies don't do this until 4-5 months and most babies with Down's Syndrome until 6-8 months.  About 10 days ago he mastered this skill and now is rolling over 10+ times a day.  This coincided exactly with the start of the Olympics.  Coincidence??...I think not. 

Mason also has started to smile....mostly for Daddy!  Mommy is just a bit jealous.  However, she is forcing me write that she did get the very first one though.  It is really fun to see his little personality starting to develop.  He is making more noise and moves around so much.  He is always so alert and curious, constantly looking around.

So without further are some pics and videos our amazing little guy.

New Kid On The Block

Crashed with Mommy

Things that make you go...hmm

I love my Grandpa Harry

Rock Star

Mason and Daddy nap

Cutest little guy ever with a half grin

I wear my sunglasses at night...jk